The purchase of a bonsai tree.
The first bonsai trees I bought, I picked at random. I chose what seemed the best and at a reasonable price. Today I know that it's worth the price I paid to all!
The following information should help you make a good decision when buying your first bonsai.
Where can I bonsai?
I would suggest that your first bonsai preformed by a dealer in the cultivation of bonsai (a bonsai nursery school) to buy. You can be surethat the tree is properly maintained before the owner.
If you want to buy your bonsai in a flower shop or a big business, make sure that the tree was healthy and well cared for.
How to choose a bonsai? - Look for "counterfeit goods"
A tree is planted in a pot is not necessarily a bonsai. If you buy a bonsai, make sure at least some of the criteria of bonsai as listed below. Remember that the price of bonsai, the number of units in relationCriteria!
Moreover, if it is almost perfect, it is more expensive. The ideal is to pay for your first bonsai about 30 pounds of grass and trees. Remember that the care of bonsai requires a number of years. Therefore, the bonsai are so expensive the older they are.
Quality criterion of a bonsai
For a bonsai tree, it must comply with a particular form and style.
The tree has good roots. The roots produce the impression of stability. With 'for the purchase, make sure that the tree well anchored in the pot. Trunk slightly from left to right. If it does not seem well founded, please choose another.
The trunk should be rejuvenated. This means that the tribe must end in a point. There must be a minimum of surface scars.
You all need to be distributed around the trunk. The largest is about 1 / 3 the height of the tree. The more we climbed the tree should be to reduce the size of more branches. Viewed fromfront, should not hide the body or the branch of the main tribes in the first 2 / 3 of height.
In general, the lower branches off. Those at the center are almost horizontal and even see.
Quality of leaves
It should be tight and looks healthy. The foliage is usually a good indicator of the health of the plant.
The oldest is the bonsai, the more its value. The oldest bonsai tree about 600 years. It is about 1 / 2 million €U.S.!
The choice of which type?
You can choose from tropical species, durable and resisting medium.
Tropical species
They require a temperature above 15 ° C all year round. Consequently, they do not need a period of rest during the winter. They are therefore easier to keep the house in winter.
Some tropical species are: Serissa, bougainvillea, cherry, hibiscus, Olivier, Orme, China, Japan, Camelia, Satsuki Azalea, Pyracantha and Sageretia.
The rugged and semi-resistant
Unlike the tropical species, hardy varieties need to rest. For a tree to fall asleep, the temperature of 10-12 ° C
You need this type of tree in a cold greenhouse or in a place where the temperature is about 5 ° C in winter takes place. If you keep a bonsai as they are in a house in winter, is almost certain to die, will not be the first winter, but in any case, the second ...
And 'therefore essential for this type ofSpecies have a rest period of 2-3 months.
They come from a tree, when it is quiet time at a temperature above 10-12 ° C switch for 10-15 days.
Some types of sample
Buis (Box Tree), cotoneaster, Japanese maple, juniper (Juniper), wood apple, cypress, Japanese yew, Pin.
Finally ...
If you live in an apartment, I suggest you choose a tropical variety. You can keep your bonsai indoors during the winter months without any problem.
ToOn the other hand, if you have a place where you can place your bonsai in winter to rest and then choose a variety resistant / semi-resistant.
I know some retailers offer your bonsai in winter (a type of child care!) Hold. I have no idea of the price for this type of service, but it is definitely worth the price. Ask your dealer to explain the specific needs of bonsai was purchased as the need for light, moisture and fertilization.
You have all the chances on your side your bonsaito be successful. I hope this article has given you, how you helped to buy a bonsai, there are many great articles and a gallery of beautiful pictures of bonsai trees that really look to for inspiration - to visit Bonsai pictures
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